Default to Yes! (Your Extraordinary Self) : Success Strategy for Meaningful Work and Life

Your Biggest Competitor: Success Mindset for Defaulting to Extraordinary

March 18, 2024 Juli Reynolds Episode 56
Your Biggest Competitor: Success Mindset for Defaulting to Extraordinary
Default to Yes! (Your Extraordinary Self) : Success Strategy for Meaningful Work and Life
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Default to Yes! (Your Extraordinary Self) : Success Strategy for Meaningful Work and Life
Your Biggest Competitor: Success Mindset for Defaulting to Extraordinary
Mar 18, 2024 Episode 56
Juli Reynolds

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How are we embracing self-transformation and introspection to navigate personal growth?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see endless possibilities staring back at you? Embrace the idea that you have the power to shape your future. Every day is a chance to grow, learn, and improve.  Allow yourself to evolve and discover the unique qualities that set you apart. Embrace change and innovation as you strive for greatness. Keep pushing yourself to reach new heights and unlock your full potential. Remember, the journey to self-improvement is ongoing. Keep questioning, exploring, and expanding your horizons. Be the architect of your own success story. The world is waiting for the best version of you to shine through, for you to default to your extraordinary self.

Passion Struck, John R. Miles (Join the community as we read this book together and discuss...

Here is my guide to reimagine your mornings! Download your guide here:  If you have an effective morning ritual or you create your morning shift, I’d love to hear what that looks like for you! 

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Do BOTH of us a favor ...CLICK HERE and join me on the journey to see what we are capable of when we Default to Extraordinary! Get every episode plus bonus content sent right to your inbox!

Let me know what it looks like when you default to YES! or just leave me a VOICE MESSAGE.

Schedule your NO REGRETS Discovery Call

You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook @reimaginewellness

Want daily inspiration, a space to journal, and set goals - try GROWTH DAY. It is part of my daily routine, maybe it will be perfect for you too!

Default to Yes! (Your Extraordinary Self)
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How are we embracing self-transformation and introspection to navigate personal growth?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see endless possibilities staring back at you? Embrace the idea that you have the power to shape your future. Every day is a chance to grow, learn, and improve.  Allow yourself to evolve and discover the unique qualities that set you apart. Embrace change and innovation as you strive for greatness. Keep pushing yourself to reach new heights and unlock your full potential. Remember, the journey to self-improvement is ongoing. Keep questioning, exploring, and expanding your horizons. Be the architect of your own success story. The world is waiting for the best version of you to shine through, for you to default to your extraordinary self.

Passion Struck, John R. Miles (Join the community as we read this book together and discuss...

Here is my guide to reimagine your mornings! Download your guide here:  If you have an effective morning ritual or you create your morning shift, I’d love to hear what that looks like for you! 

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Do BOTH of us a favor ...CLICK HERE and join me on the journey to see what we are capable of when we Default to Extraordinary! Get every episode plus bonus content sent right to your inbox!

Let me know what it looks like when you default to YES! or just leave me a VOICE MESSAGE.

Schedule your NO REGRETS Discovery Call

You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook @reimaginewellness

Want daily inspiration, a space to journal, and set goals - try GROWTH DAY. It is part of my daily routine, maybe it will be perfect for you too!

Hi, everyone. Welcome back. It's time to default to, yes. Your extraordinary self I'm Julie Reynolds. I'm your host on the journey with you. I recently listened to a thought leader Emphasizing that our main competitor is ourselves. And this made me ponder that and research about the importance of self-reflection and evaluation. It's crucial to honestly assess ourselves. acknowledge the shortcomings and develop strategies to overcome them for personal growth. I talk about success strategies a lot, because when I discover something that I want to make better. setting up a simple strategy. Helps me to make that sustainable. that understanding that we are often our own obstacle can empower us to silence our inner critic. And explore new ideas. So my question for us today is how are we embracing self-transformation and introspection? To navigate personal growth. That's a big question. You might want to write it down. How are we embracing self-transformation how are you embracing self-transformation and introspection? To navigate personal growth. It can get exhausting if doing this every day. But I think when we develop a simple strategy and kind of get a hold of why we're doing it and the outcomes that we'll get, I think we can be more consistent and make this a sustainable practice. Embracing failure as a stepping stone to growth and confronting fears that can lead to a shift of from limitations. To passion and purpose by mastering self-assessment. We can become less affected by the external influences and realize that we hold the key to our success. So as we go on this journey together, let's just challenge that negative inner voice and embrace relentless determination, and the belief in our extraordinary selves. This can bring us more joy and happiness. Help us manage our stress As we live into you are extraordinary selves on a daily basis. And it doesn't have to be something as something that we take on begrudgingly. I'm not saying that it's always happy, but sometimes that expectation is where we go wrong. I think a lot of people think that happiness a hundred percent of the time, or even 70% of the time is even realistic. It's probably 50 50. I think researchers and psychologists tell us that. I don't know if we hear it, but tell us that we're probably looking at 50, 50, we're going to have hard times. We're going to have difficult days. and where we put our focus on what we learned from those and how we experienced that. Can be not so torturous and doesn't need to take away from the happiness. I think this is the journey of self discovery and the growth that can lead to that brighter, empowered future that we all maybe dream of. You may be casting yourself as a little bit of the underdog in your own story. It's and if that's true, it's time to rewrite that narrative and embrace. Full potential and what that can mean, take that power back from that, those, whatever external voices that You're looking to. Now defaulting to your extraordinary self? Like I said, it can be rewarding. I'm going to acknowledge you because for leading in, because it is. Hard. it's a sometimes complicated journey that challenges us in unexpected ways. One of the things that I learned this week. I love my morning routine. I have a ritual that I go through every morning. And it sets me up no matter how I woke up or how much sleep I got or what the day before was like, it sets me up with an intentional way to show up in the day. To generate energy, to take care of my body, to take care of my mind, to take care of my soul. And I have all of those things in place. I've been doing this for a very long time. And it's become. Almost a habit until it's not. And I say that because this week I had a couple of sleepless nights, one because a couple because of my dog is not doing very well right now. And then we hit a night that we had a really bad storm here in Nashville, and it was very loud. Kept me awake, but it also kept my dog a week. And so that we didn't get much sleep. In fact, when I showed up to work that day, I, we were all in that together. None of us had slept the night before, and Even though it was Friday. That was not that Friday mindset wasn't even pulling me through. So my morning routine became go into the coffee. Having a chocolate chip cookie staring at my yoga mat. Scrolling on social media. Instead of doing my reading, it was like the opposite of everything that I usually do. When I got to work in my car, that's usually when I do a little bit of meditation and I set my intention, I get out of the car and I walk in. So I didn't do that. I sat in my car and I don't know, just spaced out a little bit. Truth be told, I was contemplating is this a really good idea to even go in? And I went in. Walking down the hall, determined that when I hit that doorway, that is going to be my trigger transition time. I am going to hit the doorway, set my intention and walk in with some energy. Then when I found out that everyone else had had a similar experience and was tired, I knew that I wasn't operating in isolation. And while that didn't make me feel better, because I knew that we were all going to struggle a little bit that day. I also. Have a little bit of, I'm not going to be the tired one here. I'm going to try to change the energy here. And we had just the day before talked about that, Being able to influence the energy in the room. And so Kevin wanted to see what was possible. Regardless. I want to just acknowledge that. That was hard and it was I didn't make it through the whole day without getting a little discouraged. It was also my weigh in day and I had not lost weight this week. And while I'd had a lot of wins, which again is going to be a testimony to journaling because had I not had that journal and that track to look back at to see that my whole week wasn't a wash, just because this one day I was tired. It's a struggle, right? And so I want to acknowledge you and say that on those hard days, and when you push through and you continue on the journey that's a big deal and it should be celebrated. So I acknowledge you even just for being here and listening to this today, because that also tells me that you are somebody who wants to show up and default to your extraordinary self. And the world is waiting and we want to see it happen for you. And you're not alone. It's a complicated journey. It challenges us in unexpected ways. And it happens to all of us who want to. To see what the possible. See what we are capable of. The difficulty lies in that uncomfortable process of facing our fears and acknowledging our weaknesses, stepping out of our comfort zones. And sometimes that is just, we're tired. And we'd rather sit on the couch. Scroll social media, eat a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast. That's a lot easier. Obviously a lot easier. Then making the egg and. Or preparing the smoothie. And also I want to call it out that many people actively, or even, or passively avoid that personal growth journey because it does require some vulnerability and that willingness to confront the deep rooted beliefs or behaviors. Why did I default to that morning routine of years past? Why did I do that to myself? When I know better? I had to ask myself, why is that still a thing when I know what works. This can be intimidating and unsettling. It can cause that resistance to change and to just that maintain that sense of security and familiarity. Even when the familiarity is not something that we, an outcome that we want, it's familiar. And we don't have to work for it. We know what's coming and we can adapt to that. some people are actively avoiding personal growth and they know it. They be Claire it's. you probably heard somebody say that. On the other hand, some passively avoid personal growth. And that can be due to fear of failure or the unknown, and maybe they just don't know why it's just easier to stay within the confines of what is known and comfortable rather than risk the uncertainties that come with growth and transformation. So it's here that we tell ourselves that we are happier, easier is better. It's more enjoyable. Why would I waste my life? Trying to make something happen when I could just go with the flow and just. Enjoy life as it comes now for many that's going to be okay. even in the long run, They will accept hardships that come. They will accept regrets. As just being all part of life and they aren't wrong about that because even people who are, who choose that path of growth will encounter those things. The people that passively. Or actively avoid personal growth have. Have tools at their disposal to, to cope. They can blame external forces for their circumstances. And there, they could just accept their lot in life. And many of them will never wonder if it could have been better or we'll never wonder about missed opportunities. They'll live in the moment. With the focus on others and the external world. And they'll be just fine. And I'm not judging. We all get to choose. And psychologists, behavioral change experts tell us that the majority of people will avoid either actively or passively personal growth. And. And we'll choose not to overcome some of those obstacles, but just live with them instead. When I was a teenager, I read a verse in scripture that set me on a different path. Actually there are a couple of them and my mentors at the time called them life versus. And they encouraged me to lean in to see what were those passages really speaking into my life. Why did they resonate with me so strongly? And to pay attention to that, because that was a clue to maybe what my purpose is and what, how I was to live my life. Some of those come from the book of Ephesians. I love that book and I've read it multiple times. I'm one of those verses. Since we are God's masterpiece and that we are created in Christ Jesus, so that we could do good things that he planned for us long ago, that spoke to me that this, that I wasn't operating or living in isolation and I wasn't living for myself. That there was a plan that God had for my life and that was going to play. Into the bigger picture. Now I don't understand all of that. How all of that works together. I do know now that things, all things are connected and held together. And I am okay with that ever understanding what my part in that actually turns out to be. But what I do know is that I want to experience it. I don't want to miss out. On seeing some of those things come together. Another verse is it was, is a prayer and it's a prayer that I, a lot of times we'll pray for my friends and. Pray for my loved ones and those that I cross paths with. And it's a passage. This is me. You experienced the love of Christ, though. It is too great to fully understand. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now to him, who is able to do a measurably more than we can ask or imagine. According to his power that is at work within us. I was powerful to me. And that told me that I was part of something bigger and that I needed to lean into that. And find out what that's all about. Now I also read a lot of stories about others who have leaned into that. And. To find out what that's all about and they've lost their lives and they have gone through. Unimaginable hardships and pain and agony. And that was something that I needed to consider. It was not lost on me. my brain just works in a way that I'm not able to embrace all of those things without looking at the other side of the story. I don't want to Cast shadows on Are rosy picture of our future, but we have to weigh that this might not always look the way we think it's going to look. People are persecuted and they pay a cost for stepping forward, doing the right things. Many of our heroes have given their life for their dream. You may not be called to give your life for your dream. But. Comfort. Yes. Maybe possessions. Yes. Position. Yes. You might experience. Elevated position and elevated riches. And you might. I might get all of those things, but nothing is going to be easy either way. Whether we grow personally and experience all that, we are called to all that is possible. If, whether we seek out our full capacity or not, we're going to have about a 50, 50 experience of good. I'm using air quotes here. Good and bad. Because. Either way, we're going to experience hard things. Now. my intention here is not to be all doom and gloom. It's to point out that. Whether you choose. To always default to your extraordinary self or not your experience of life might be. Very similar in balance of The hard things and easy things, joyful things and painful things. But what I'm saying is that the world needs you. There is a plan in place and we are all connected. Everything is connected and. What we need is for more people to show up And default to their extraordinary selves. To have the courage to embrace who they are, who they're made to be to grow and to show up and serve. And put themselves out there. Have your voice heard. Because the world to the world, it matters. To our future. It matters. Whether you can see it or ever will see it. As we read wisdom, scriptures, and we read the story and his history. That is how it plays out. Now, all of this keeps me aware that there is more growth and more understanding, more wisdom, more experience, more curiosity, and more courage to be had. And I'd like to be on that side of things. I don't want it to be found sitting on my couch, watching Netflix. When there is, there's more of this experience, more things to be curious about, more things, to see more things to experience out there. Embracing personal growth can lead to those profound self discoveries to more resilience and to a greater sense of fulfillment in the long run. It's a choice again, that we all get to make. I handed out journals this week, too. Nurses that have signed up for coaching through an advancement process. And I was going to say that the reactions were mixed, but that would be completely true. So far only one of 10 have admitted to a journaling practice. And I'm saying admitting because maybe there's closet journals that just don't want to lean into the process yet in that environment. Maybe they're not sure where professional growth really fits into their journaling practice. other than that, I have yet to meet an enthusiastic response. They're all a little bit skeptical and they're hesitant. They accept the journal, a little begrudgingly, and I could just take it easy and back off a little bit. Maybe I should. Just lighten the message about the journal and be okay with some of them will sit empty. But the truth is that I know that if they lean into the experience, they will learn and grow. And I know that's where the magic happens. Now to be fair. This is also a workplace that has an issue with unleveled hierarchy. Recently described by one of our top leaders As the doctors being adults and coaches playing on a field with a bunch of five-year-olds. So to say that there are trust issues. Maybe just scratching the surface. Now, remember I said that these are nurses and health in the healthcare settings. this is probably not just this workplace setting. I guess what I'm saying is that. Our environment, the one of our past the, one of our present, the one of our workplace family friend group. Wherever it is. That's on your mind right now. That's the externals that we can focus on. We can take that path of least resistance and compare ourselves to, or please our spouse, our parents, our friends, our girlfriend, our boyfriend. Employer peers, colleagues. that can be our approach and that can happen to us. And we're not even aware. That's what I want for us to avoid. John. Miles' and his book, passion strikes, talks a lot about introspection and individual capacity. in the professional spaces or in the workplace looking at. He speaks to leaders of teams and looking at. Competitiveness and how we get better. And encourages us to shun the window and look into the mirror? I love to just that the thought shut in the window and look into the mirror. That means to examine yourself and your internal team members. To look at your own weaknesses and your own shortcomings. So you can adapt and develop and evolve to become that new version of yourself. And that's what gives you the, that edge, that competitive advantage that allows you to get up every day and default to your extraordinary self. So I encourage you this week, too. Shut the window and look into the mirror. realize what I'm suggesting here is introspection and I'm just a naturally. Introspective person and I don't shy away from introspection. And in fact, I can. Maybe even get a little too introspective. Did you know, but did you know that. Uh, studies that, uh, that behavioral psychologists have found that most people when asked to spend time with their thoughts and the same time I'm out doing an external act activity. Uh, such as reading or listening to music, but not to communicate with others. Those who did external activities reported that they enjoyed themselves much more than those who were just asked to think. And they found it easier to concentrate. That and that their minds wandered less. The researchers took the study further and they wanted to see if most PR people would prefer having something to do, rather than just thinking then they asked, would they rather do an unpleasant activity? The no activity at all. And the results show that many would and participants were given the same circumstances. As the most at most in the previous studies. And they added the option of administrating a mild electric shock to themselves by pressing a button. What really stuck out in their discussion was that simply being alone with their own thoughts for 15 minutes was apparently so aversive. That it drove many participants to self administer, an electric shock that they had earlier said that they would pay to avoid. That's probably not surprising if you've ever sat with your journal on a discouraging day This is why I like to create those rituals in my own practice to make those things a little bit more pleasant and to take myself with intention. Through the times when you have to just shun the window and look into the mirror. And ask yourself some good questions. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see endless possibilities staring back at you? Embrace the idea that you have the power to shape your own future. Every day is a chance to grow and learn and improve. And you are capable of transforming into a stronger, more resilient. Version of yourself. It might take Doing some hard things, but allow yourself to evolve and discover the unique qualities that you, that set you apart. Embrace the change and innovation as you strive for greatness. Keep pushing yourself to reach new Heights and unlock your full potential. I remember the journey of self-improvement is ongoing. Where I keep using that word journey, because that's what it is. sometimes our finish line moves. And sometimes our mile markers seem more than just a mile away. that's. When we get to keep questioning, exploring and expanding our horizons. And really finding joy in that part of the journey. We can architect our own success story. And the world is waiting for that best version, that extraordinary version of you to shine through. If this resonates with you, share it with a friend, go on the journey together. Click the link below and let me know what's coming up for you and how can I support you? What do we need to talk more about? I want to celebrate with you. because when we share our struggles, our obstacles. We create that awareness. That is the journey. not taken in isolation. It can feel that way sometimes. And there are some things that we just need to do ourselves and we need to take action and it feels like we're alone because ultimately it's our responsibility to make it happen. But we aren't alone. Let's embrace that truth. I'm on the journey with you. I am having to pull some hard levers this week. To see what I'm capable of and I'm not am. I to tell you the truth. I had to grieve a little bit of loss because of it. And I am I'm sad about some of the things that I'm going to have to do to make it to my goal. But I know the goal is worthy and I know that I am worthy of the goal. You are not alone and there is a whole community out here cheering you on and counting on your extraordinary self. To bring your unique contribution. And to being the change in the world that you want to see just by getting up every day and defaulting to your extraordinary self. Let's do this. Hey, this is resonating with you and you have some things that you want to overcome. Some big goals that you want to accomplish or reach. I want to invite you to schedule a no regrets discovery session. What does is, is a coaching session. it's a free, no obligations discovery session where we can just get on the phone or get on zoom and talk about what you're trying to accomplish. What are your goals? What are your obstacles that you face? What success strategies will work for you. I'd love to talk to you because mostly I'd love to see you shine. I'd love to. So you get over and past some of the obstacles that you're facing so that you can show up in the world, in the way that you really want to. I want to see you Excel. And honestly, most of my clients, they don't have specific goals. They have big dreams. And they want to figure out how to make, make it happen. Or they're making it happen and they just need to process that and flesh out some things, awareness and acceptance Come easy in coaching. And it's such a powerful experience, and I want that for you. So I'm inviting you to come and see what it is like to have a coaching session with me. And see what we can get done in a short period of time. It's free, no obligation, but It will be transformative. Of course, if you find it helpful and you think that this is a fit, then you found your coach. Otherwise, we've gotten some really powerful, strong work, and I've gotten to connect with you and hear what you're out there. Creating. Either way, win-win add love to talk to you. Schedule your no regrets discovery session. Today and let's connect.