Default to Yes! (Your Extraordinary Self) : Success Strategy for Meaningful Work and Life

MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: Celebrating Wins (6 minutes)

Juli Reynolds

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Mindfulness Exercise: Celebrating Wins

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and let go of any tension in your body.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Wins

Begin by taking a few deep breaths in... in through your nose, out through the mouth.
you may want to smile, or just relax and breathe.
reflecting on your recent accomplishments, both big and small. These wins could be related to work, personal goals, relationships, or any other area of your life. Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate each achievement, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
As you reflect, notice how these wins make you feel. Allow yourself to bask in the sense of pride, satisfaction, and joy that comes with recognizing your accomplishments. Take as much time as you need to fully immerse yourself in these positive emotions.

Step 2: Express Gratitude

Next, express gratitude for the wins you've experienced. Recognize the hard work, dedication, and perseverance that went into achieving these successes. Take a moment to thank yourself for your efforts and commitment, as well as any individuals who supported and encouraged you along the way.
As you express gratitude, feel a sense of warmth and appreciation radiating from your heart. Allow yourself to fully embrace these feelings of gratitude, knowing that they can uplift and inspire you as you continue on your journey.

Step 3: Visualize Your Future Successes

Now, take a moment to visualize your future successes and accomplishments. Picture yourself achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams, one step at a time. Imagine the joy, fulfillment, and sense of achievement that will accompany each milestone along the way.
As you visualize your future successes, feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within you. Allow yourself to connect with the limitless potential that resides within you, knowing that you have the power to turn your dreams into reality.

Step 4: Affirm Your Worthiness

Finally, affirm your worthiness of success and happiness. Repeat positive affirmations such as "I am deserving of all the good things that come my way" or "I am capable of achieving my goals and fulfilling my dreams." Let these affirmations sink deep into your subconscious mind, reinforcing your belief in yourself and your abilities.
As you affirm your worthiness, feel a sense of empowerment and confidence rising within you. Know that you are inherently worthy of all the blessings and abundance that life has to offer and that celebrating your wins is an essential part of honoring your journey.

Step 5: Return to the Present Moment

Take a few more deep breaths, gradually bringing your awareness back to the present moment

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Now I'd like to invite you to find a quiet and comfortable space. Where you can sit or lie down without distraction. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Just allowing yourself to relax and let go of any tension in your body. In through your nose. And out through your mouth. You may want a smile. Or just relax and breathe. Reflecting on your recent accomplishments, both big and small. These winds could be related to work. Personal goals. Or relationships or any other area of your life? Just take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate each achievement. Each step forward. No matter how insignificant they may seem. As you reflect. Notice how these winds make you feel. Allow yourself that sense of pride. Satisfaction and joy. That comes with recognizing your accomplishments. You took a step forward. Take as much time as you need just fully immerse yourself in those positive emotions. Next. Express gratitude for the wins you've experienced. Recognize the hard work and the dedication, the perseverance that went into achieving these successes. Acknowledge your integrity. You kept your word and you did it. Take a moment to thank yourself for the efforts. And the commitment. Think of any one who supported you and encouraged you along the way. As you express gratitude. I feel that sense of warmth and appreciation radiating from your heart. Allow yourself to fully embrace these feelings of gratitude. Knowing that they can uplift and inspire you as you continue on your journey. Now take a moment to visualize your future successes and accomplishments. Picture yourself, achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams. One step at a time. Imagine the joy. The fulfillment. And that sense of achievement that will accompany each milestone along the way. As you visualize your future successes, feel that sense of excitement and anticipation building. Allow yourself to connect with the limitless potential that resides within you. Knowing that you have the power to turn your dreams into reality. Finally affirm your worthiness of success and happiness, repeat positive affirmations. Like I am deserving of all the good things that come my way. Or I am capable of achieving my goals and fulfilling my dreams. Let the affirmation sink deep into your subconscious mind, reinforcing your belief in yourself. And your abilities. As you affirm your worthiness, feel that sense of empowerment. And confidence rising within you. Knowing that you are inherently worthy of all the blessings and abundance that life has to offer. And that celebrating your wins as an essential part of honoring your journey. Yeah. Now take a few more deep breaths. In. And out. Gradually bringing your awareness back to the moment. In a wiggle, your fingers, your toes. And when you feel ready. Gently open your eyes. And carry the feelings of celebration and gratitude and empowerment with you as you go about your day. Remember that celebrating your wins is not only a joyful experience, but a powerful practice. That can inspire and motivate you to continue striving for greatness in all areas of your life. To keep you getting up every day to default to your extraordinary self.