Default to Yes! Success Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth
Taking a holistic approach, from the perspective of a Board Certified Nurse Coach and Clinically Certified Aromatherapist, and with nurses and professional women in mind, we talk about what it takes to show up as Your Extraordinary Self. With an evidence-based approach to overcoming obstacles, we can show up in the world the way we want. Live a life that you love, and show up as the best version of yourself in all you do - as you get up every day and Default to YES - Your Extraordinary Self
This is a guide you through a heart alignment meditation aimed at reconnecting with your inner wisdom and aligning with your highest self. It instructs you to find a comfortable seated position, focus on your breathing, and visualize drawing in healing light into your heart while releasing any negativity. The practice involves feeling grounded and present, opening your heart to love and peace, and connecting with your best self. It encourages you to ask your heart for guidance and ends with bringing awareness back to the present while retaining a sense of peace and alignment.
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Now I'm going to invite you to a heart alignment meditation to it's a time to reconnect with your inner wisdom. Align with your highest self and open your heart to peace and clarity. So I'm gonna invite you to find a comfortable seated position with your spine straight and your hands resting gently in your lap, palms facing forward, and just close your eyes and allow yourself to relax in this moment. Take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling the air, fill your lungs and expand your chest. Hold it for a moment. And then gently exhale through your mouth, releasing any tension or stress. Again, take a deep breath in drawing fresh energy. As you exhale again, take a deep breath in drawing in fresh energy. And as you exhale, let go of any thoughts or worries from the day with each breath, feel yourself becoming more grounded, more present. Your body relaxes, your mind quiets. And you feel fully here in this space of peace. Now bring your heart awareness to your heart, that space in the middle of your chest. As you breathe, imagine each inhale is drawing in light directly into your heart. The light might be golden, white, or a color that feels healing to you. With each inhale, this light expands, filling your heart with warmth and peace. If it helps you to focus on that, place your hand over your heart. On each exhale, imagine any tension or heaviness or negative energy dissolving away, leaving your heart lighter and clearer. As your heart fills with light, allow yourself to feel gratitude for this moment of connection. Visualize your heart as a flower gently opening with each breath. With every inhale, the petals expand. And with every exhale, your heart opens wider to receive love and peace and alignment. Take a moment to sit with this openness and let the light within you radiate outwards. Now bring to mind your highest self, the version of you who is filled with love and compassion, wisdom, and peace. As you breathe, feel this connection deepening. Imagine your heart aligning with this higher self as if you're tuning into a frequency of unconditional love and inner clarity. Feel the energy of your best self emerging with your heart, infusing it with confidence and grace and purpose. In this aligned state, ask your heart a question. What do I need most in this moment to align with my highest self? What do I need most in this moment to align with my extraordinary self? Pause and listen. You may receive a word, an image, or simply a feeling, trust, whatever comes up, your heart holds deep wisdom, and it always knows the next step on your path as you breathe in, repeat silently to yourself, I am aligned with the wisdom of my heart, I trust its guidance as As you breathe out a firm, my heart leads me to my highest good. Now I invite you to take a few more deep nourishing breaths, feeling the alignment with your heart and the peace that it brings. And when you're ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the room, wiggle your fingers and toes, gently move your body. Knowing that this feeling of heart alignment is always with you. You can return to this space whenever you need to center yourself, seek clarity or connect with your inner guidance. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of alignment and peace as you move through the rest of your day. As you go out there and default to your extraordinary self.