Default to Yes! Success Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth
Bringing lessons from the life of a Registered Nurse, and navigating the challenges of health care, Juli Reynolds explores all areas of personal growth and overall well-being. Taking a holistic approach, from the perspective of a Board Certified Nurse Coach and Clinically Certified Aromatherapist, and with nurses and professional women in mind, we talk about what it takes to show up as Your Extraordinary Self. With an evidence-based approach to overcoming obstacles, we can show up in the world the way we want. Go on the journey with others in your desire to create the career of your dreams, live a life that you love, and show up as the best version of yourself in all you do - to get up every day and Default to YES - Your Extraordinary Self
Default to Yes! Success Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth
Stop, Start, Continue: A Framework for a Transformative Lifestyle
Share Your Tips and Take-aways with me!
Join the No Regrets Reset 3-Day Challenge and start 2024 with clarity and confidence! Let go of regrets, rediscover your dreams, and create an actionable vision map for the life you truly want.
Over three transformative days, we’ll:
✅ Let go of regrets
✅ Reconnect with your dreams—even those you’ve set aside for years.
✅ Map out your vision for 2025
✅ Step into the new year with clarity, courage, and confidence.
The challenge runs Jan 9-11, and I’d love for you to join me.
Click Here to Reserve Your Spot
The Stop, Start, Continue framework is a simple and effective tool for ongoing evaluation and fostering progress, particularly for transformative lifestyle changes. Here’s how to use it in the context of lifestyle transformation:
Step 1: Set the Stage
Begin by identifying the key areas of your lifestyle you want to transform. These could include physical health, mental well-being, relationships, career, or spiritual growth.
Step 2: Reflect and Evaluate
Ask yourself the following questions for each focus area:
What habits, behaviors, or mindsets are holding me back from progress?
Are there activities or patterns that drain my energy or don’t align with my goals?
What new habits, routines, or actions can I introduce to support my transformation?
What tools or resources can help me begin these changes?
What positive habits or routines are already working well that I should maintain?What successes or improvements can I build on?
Step 3: Set Actionable Goals
For each category, choose 1-2 priorities to focus on in the short term. Write down specific, measurable actions.
Step 4: Schedule Regular Reviews
Evaluate your progress weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Use the framework to adjust your focus:
Have you successfully stopped unhelpful behaviors?
Are the new habits sustainable?
Are you consistently maintaining positive routines?
Step 5: Use Feedback and Support
Share your framework with a coach, accountability partner, or support group. They can help identify blind spots and celebrate wins.
Step 6: Celebrate Wins and Iterate
Transformation is ongoing. Celebrate progress, reassess priorities, and refine.
By regularly applying this framework, you create a cycle
If you are an action taker, let's connect! I'd love to hear from you! There are a variety of ways we can can connect, what works for you?
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- Schedule your NO REGRETS Discovery Call (20 minutes by phone or Zoom, let's chat about what is coming up for you and what you are wanting more of, or less of)
- Let me know what it looks like when you default to YES! or just leave me a VOICE MESSAGE.
- Join the Yes! Book Club
- You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook @reimaginewellness
- Want daily inspiration, a space to journal, and set goals - join me in GROWTH DAY. It is part of my daily routine, maybe it will be perfect for you too! Make sure you let me know you joined, I have a gift for you if you do!
Welcome back to an extraordinary week. this will go out on Monday, which is the last Monday of 2024. And I am so excited about 2025 and really it all comes to that. I have a plan and a strategy. I. Slowed my December down and took some time. I'll say the advent reflection gave me a framework for how I really want to approach personal growth and spiritual growth and just showing up in the world in the way that I really want to. And so I took that, that I've learned about myself over the past year, actually. Probably longer than that, but just really reflecting and learning about how I approach things and what is meaningful and how I learn, how I change, how I embrace change, and what I get excited about, what I'm not excited about, all of that. All the things and developed a strategy for this year. And I'm so excited to take that into my coaching practice as well. And you'll have an invitation here to join and try it out for free, because I'm so excited that I think I'm going to just offer the first step of that completely for free. So we can go on this journey together and get. Our goals in 2025. And like I said, I'm so excited about that. And it's not because I'm setting these huge goals that massive goals and have this enormous plan. It's just that this year I'm going at it a little bit differently with a strategy that works for me. And I think that is key. And It's not a one size fits all. And so I think I, what I have to introduce to my coaching community is really exciting because I think we'll learn how to adapt and take the same tools that I've been using and the skill sets and just build on that for 2025 and maybe sometime, maybe get some of those goals that we've been holding onto for a really long time. regardless, I'm going to share today about a framework that I've been using for a really long time. And I'm, to tell you the truth, I'm not really even sure where it originated. It's called the stop, start, continue. framework, and I was doing it. I wasn't necessarily calling it that but it was what I was doing. It's how I do my reviews every week, every month, every quarter, every year. And I'm not perfect at it, and I'm not always as consistent as I want to be with this. But this framework is the Stop, Start, Continue framework, and it's just a simple framework. Powerful tool for self reflection and growth. It's a model that's widely used in organizational settings, and it's equally effective, though, for personal development, which was just maybe I learned about it in an organizational setting and then applied have applied it to personal development. Basically, by encouraging that structured evaluation of behaviors and habits and strategies, it helps us to focus on what's truly effective, eliminate what isn't, and introduce new practices for better results and get the outcomes that we really want. It helps us to be mindful and notice the things that work and notice the things that don't without judgment. This is a big thing that revolves around goals. I. Have conversations all of the time. Goals can be very judgment heavy. We tend to bring a lot of shame to ourselves over not meeting the goals that we want. And I shared in an email recently that or a Facebook post not sure, but I got some feedback on it because we were sitting around the dinner table at Christmas Eve and my son Sam asked us all to share what our goals were. And I had a little bit of that shame come up about, I'm going to share my goals, but they're going to be the same as I had last year. And that doesn't sound very fun. And what if your goals are still the same? I had to reflect on that, why I carried that, why I judged myself for not feeling ready to answer that question, because I didn't have a new, improved, fun, exciting answer that I was really motivated about. And what I said is, I really wasn't ready to share this yet. My goals are a lot the same as last year and last year I said I was gonna get fit and grow the show and what that meant was I was going to make this podcast better and I was going to get it in front of people and get a community built around it and I had some things that I wanted to have happened because of this podcast and I wanted to focus on my health at the same time and just make that the year that I Thank you That made that my primary goal. The truth is I made a lot of progress last year, but I did a lot of learning about what worked and what didn't work. And I'd never started a podcast before. Honestly, when I hit record the very first episode, I had didn't even do, I didn't do any research. I didn't look to see like, how do you actually get it out there for people to hear the recording part of it. Is the easy part. Then you have to edit and make sure the sound is good so that people will listen. So I thank you for going on this journey with me, and I appreciate every one of you who listened so much, and I hold your, hold space for you every week before I hit record. I think about you. I listen to feedback. I hear When you do, when you offer feedback or a review, I take that seriously and take it to heart on what you want to hear about. I also commit that to prayer. I'm praying for you and I'm really wanting to do best by you. So I hope that you will continue to. Share with me what you want to hear about what you want to learn and you'll share your stories with me and maybe you'll come on the podcast and share your stories with other listeners, I haven't completely figured out how to make the most of this experience. And so I'm going to still be working on that this year. And I also, I said I would make it to a hundred episodes before I quit, and I'm not quite there yet. So I have some things that I can do before I call it quits on that, but not ready to do that yet. And the weight loss, I made some progress in learning and I learned about hormones and some different things at some new research, and I'm going to try some things different. They say that if you. Do the same things over and over again and don't get the results that you want. That, what is that? The definition of insanity. So I'm going to stop trying to do all the things that I, that worked before and do some things differently. And I'm learning along the way. It's okay to have the same goals going in, as long as you're learning about yourself and you're doing this process. So that's why I wanted to share the stop, start, continue framework with you, because maybe it will be something, a way to wrap your brain around all of that, how you go forward, maybe with the same goals, maybe with goals that you've had for a very long time, and still be optimistic that the This year, you're going to make it happen because of what you've learned because of what you're going to stop because of what you're going to start. And because of what you're going to continue, it's just a really great way to achieve that those actionable insights and. Get ahold of those. I'll say that there are a lot of psychologists, behavioral psychologists, and productivity experts that follow this model. You'll notice that sometimes they call it something different. Dr. Fogg wrote the book, Tiny Habits, and that is In that book, he suggests breaking change into clear categories, what to stop, what to start, and what to maintain. So you see this process being brought forward over and over again in different, like I said, different verbiage, maybe maybe they've done a little tweaking to make it their own, I know that I have. There are a lot of different ways to go about this, and Honestly, I'd forgotten that this was a actual framework that had been developed until I was listening to the Mel Robbins podcast and she was doing her and her seven step review. And my review is I will say my year end review is very similar to what she shared. I may have learned it from her a couple years ago. I'm not really sure because I've made, I've tweaked it, made it my own and I didn't really name it. And I guess we don't name things until we try to share them with other people to make it simple and memorable. But yeah. So this is what I've been doing and I forgot that it had, it was actually had a name. So the stop, start, continue integrating this is going to doesn't really require a significant amount of time and effort. So I want to encourage you there. So scheduling time, first of all, for reflection, dedicate 15 minutes a week to assessing your habits, routines, or work strategies. So every week, every Sunday, I will take some time or some time on the weekend. I don't necessarily always do it on Sunday. I might do it on Friday night, might do it on Saturday morning. Saturday morning is usually a good time for me to do reflection and to especially because I have accountability Group that meets Saturday morning. So it helps me to have an idea of how my week went. And so a lot of times I'll do this either on Friday night, or I will do it early on Saturday morning. So dedicating 10 to 15 minutes every week, regardless of when you do it to assess your habits, routines, and work strategies, Set aside this time as a quiet space free from distractions so that because a lot of times we forget, I know that if I don't prepare when I go into sharing my week with my accountability partners on Saturday, I can't even remember like, how did, so how many times have you been asked, how was your week? And you can't even remember what happened that week because we forget the even significant things that we are all worked up about or all excited about. We get to the end of the week and we totally forget about them. It's a amazing thing that our brains do for us or to us, not sure, which depends on the circumstance, Regardless, if you don't write it down or if you don't record it in some way, you're going to forget about it. And then we can't learn. So using a journal writing down three just or a piece of paper, make three columns and put stop, start, And continue and then under each of those things, list the behaviors or practices that are relevant to current goals and be specific and realistic in each category you can take each item in the start column and outline a specific action plan. and then you can do the same for the stop column, identifying those triggers or barriers, the things that you want to stop or the things that didn't work that you don't want to continue doing. You can then you can use this framework in those collaborative settings. If you're at work, it could be a team meeting inviting input from colleagues or mentors. accountability group, family members, you can use this in any setting. This might be a good for vacation planning as well. Household organization or chore delegation, all of those things. You can probably apply this to any part of your life. To really just examine those things and re and revisit this regularly. So to give you just a challenge this week to reflect on your past year this is a great thing to do at the end of a year. And what is one practice habit or practice that you need to stop doing because it drains your energy or hinders your progress? Is there something that comes to mind that you just. want, just need, you need to eliminate it. So think about that and what you might do to make that happen. And then what is one thing you want to start to do? Just don't align yourself more closely with your goals or values. And then what should you continue doing because it brings positive results. So that's how you're going to use those three challenges, but with those three questions and just really think about that, write down how making those changes might make you feel. feel and what impact they could have on your life if you implement them. knowing that this framework is really rooted in principles of constructive feedback. The emphasize that balance critique and actionable steps for improvement. And these concepts. are not new at all. They gained traction probably in the 1950s or 1960s as organizations sought to improve workplace efficiency and morale. And so they're not new concepts. This is just something, a way to reflect. And Using some clear and concise feedback categories help us guide our behavior and group behavior as well. And then help us to make that progress and to move forward. I like to stop, start and continue. It's simple. It's intuitive. And you can do this on a piece of paper every week and really bring that forward. The idea though. Remember is no judgment. It's just the way we learn. It's the way we achieve mastery. It's the way we take on our goals and make them fun and keep that motivation alive. And so I'm excited about sharing a little bit more of how I've customized this for myself and how we can use this to make 2025 a little different. So we can go into this with no regrets Because again, I can't even count how many times I've ended the year wondering why didn't I lose the weight? Why is my closet such a disaster still? These were two things on my goal list that I know what to do. Why didn't I do it? Or why did I do it and then let it be undone? I, at one point my closet looked amazing and for some reason and now the I don't know. I tell myself as a mystery, but it really, it isn't. If I think about it, we know what to do. And then we have to deal with why don't we do it? And so how many conversations I've had with others who hesitate to even set a goal, because It's not a new goal or it's not an exciting goal, or it's the same one they've been carrying for years, or it sounds unattainable, or I've tried it before. I didn't do it and I just felt bad about myself. I hear those things all the time. I say those things all the time. So if this sounds familiar to you as well, if you're saying, why does this happen? Why do we keep holding onto that same dream, but never truly getting it? The answer isn't really about willpower. It's not about the size of your goals. It's not about your ability. It's not about your lack of knowledge, or it's not that you suck. It's none of those things. It's really about clarity and confidence and creating a plan or a strategy that works for. You that feels good to you. So that's actually why I created the strategy I have for the 2025. And it's really just comes out of tweaking what I'd already been doing and what I'd already been learning, taking all the tools I have and bringing them together. I created a no regret reset three day challenge that I want to invite you to. I'm going to make that kind of a abbreviated version of the first step of the strategy for the year, and I'm going to offer it to you for free, because I want you to be able to try it. This isn't about quick fixes or empty resolutions. It's really about truly understanding what you want and why it matters and how to create momentum that Lasts that you can learn from that you can feel good about, even if you don't get that big goal in the time that you want to get that big goal, some people who've gone through this process, find out that they, it wasn't their goal in the first place. They get a better goal. They get something that fits better. Some of them get it and have to adjust the timeline. And some of them just get it because it's gettable and whatever happens and everything just aligns. Over the three days, I'm calling them transformative days because we're going to let go of regrets. We're going to reconnect with your dreams and even those that you've set aside for years. And then we're going to map out your vision for 2024 with just simple, actionable steps. And I think you'll find this really. fun, not overwhelming And then we're going to step into the new year with clarity, courage, and confidence. And I'm so excited about this. It starts on January 9th. And so if you're coming in or you're listening to this and it's January 9th has passed, Don't worry. I've got you recording everything. And I will probably make this something that you can do on demand. It might be something that we use for quarterly and we'll see how it turns out the live version. I want to design this space so that we can repeat it quarterly for people who want to evaluate their quarterly goals, or just doing it annually will, would be So again, the challenge starts on January 9th, and I'd love for you to join me. There's a link in down below in the notes for this show. There's a there's a link. If you're on my email list, you're already gotten it. so right now, reserve your spot. This is a chance to finally release what's been holding you back and to step into the life that you've always wanted. No regrets and no looking back, no judgment, just freely moving about in the world in the way that you really want to training your brain to cooperate with you as you show up every day to default to yes, you're extraordinary. Don't wait to say yes to yourself. Spots are limited. So you want to make sure you get in the challenge today. Okay. So do that. do it now so you don't forget. I don't want you to regret missing this either. So I want to see your extraordinary self in this three day challenge and let's make 2025 the best year ever. Until next time, Share this with a friend, maybe you want to go on this journey with an accountability partner, somebody you, you trust, somebody who maybe, needs this, share this with them, share the podcast with them, I am all about building a community that we, that shares in these common goals, and that we show up in the world in the way we want to, because the world needs you, the world needs your gifts, the world needs your brilliance, and the world needs your extraordinary self. I'm going to also tomorrow or Wednesday going to release a mindfulness exercise so that with the start start, stop, continue framework, how you can enter that into. a mindful space. So look for that as well later in the week. And until next time, go out there and default to yes, your extraordinary self.