Default to Yes! Success Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth
Taking a holistic approach, from the perspective of a Board Certified Nurse Coach and Clinically Certified Aromatherapist, and with nurses and professional women in mind, we talk about what it takes to show up as Your Extraordinary Self. With an evidence-based approach to overcoming obstacles, we can show up in the world the way we want. Live a life that you love, and show up as the best version of yourself in all you do - as you get up every day and Default to YES - Your Extraordinary Self
Default to Yes! Success Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth
Every Doorway Is A New Opportunity
Share Your Tips and Take-aways with me!
What if every doorway was your Holy Door? ✨
Pause as you walk through. Touch the doorframe. Ask yourself:
💭 What do I need to leave outside?
💭 How do I want to show up?
💭 What do I want to bring into this space?
Every threshold is a chance to reset, realign, and step into your extraordinary self.
Want to embrace this year of Jubilee with no regrets? Join my mailing list, and I’ll send you the No Regrets Workbook—your guide to leaving doubts behind and pursuing your biggest dreams.
It’s not too late to say YES to the life you were created for! 💫
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- Want daily inspiration, a space to journal, and set goals - join me in GROWTH DAY. It is part of my daily routine, maybe it will be perfect for you too! Make sure you let me know you joined, I have a gift for you if you do!
Welcome to another extraordinary week. I'm Julie Reynolds, and I am so honored to be on this journey with you. I'm going to share today about the year of Jubilee, and this is a concept, the year of Jubilee. It's a powerful and transformative idea that's rooted in the Old Testament. It represents a sacred time of renewal, restoration, and release. And every 50th year, debts are forgiven, slaves are freed, and the land rested. Um, It is a time to realign with God's plan, reset priorities and rediscover purpose. This also means something to me because, um, I think at the beginning of this podcast, I shared the origin of default to yes was from a mentor of mine who has since passed. And, but still I hear his voice in my head and very influential in my life and just exploring what my purpose is and getting some clarity around how I want to show up in life. And, He used to call me because my name is Julie. He used to call me Jubilee. so this word obviously catches my attention, maybe a little bit more than maybe if you passed over it or if you're not Catholic and you weren't paying attention to the church calendar. Because in Catholic tradition, the holy doors at St. Peter's Basilica of Vatican serve as a, a. symbol of renewal and grace. And These doors are opened only on, uh, during the year of Jubilee. This offers pilgrims a unique opportunity to cross through them and act as an act of faith and commitment to a transformed life. And passing through the holy doors is a profound ritual that symbolizes a spiritual threshold, a leaving behind of sin and burdens. And entering into the God's abundant mercy and purpose. This is to me, a way of releasing regrets and saying goodbye to old stories that don't serve us any longer thoughts that hold us back. Uh, those that are in produce emotions that, that then Make us act in a way that isn't consistent with the way we really want to show up in the world. I'm all about training our brains to cooperate with us so that we can show up in the world in the way that we really want to. You know what you, what that looks like. If you really just take some time to visualize it and see what is missing, what is holding you back from that? Sometimes we don't even know. Sometimes we're not aware. We get stuck in a cycle of just, you know, Getting up every day and living in some of the monotony of responsibility and tasks and bills that need to be paid and households that need to be managed, kids that need rides, all of the things that we do in our lives that can seem like we just are getting up and doing the same day every day. I don't know if you ever watched the movie Groundhog Day, but I always thought that's a hilarious depiction. If you could know that every day was really going to be the same, how exhausting that really is But we have an opportunity then also to embrace that and make some changes in our thoughts and in, therefore, in our emotions and how we show up in the world. I think this is an opportunity for us to look at where those holy doors are. So what if we approached every day as though it were the year of Jubilee and every doorway as though it were the holy door? This is a practice that I learned a couple of years ago, and sometimes I'm more consistent with it than others. For a while, I was doing it all of the time. But this is something that when I, when it comes to mind, I start practicing this when I'm in the. In kind of a reset mode, I will start doing this everywhere, and I really started doing this in my workplace when I was trying to reframe some of my regrets and change the thoughts that I had as I entered into that space, and this is the doorway trigger practice that I'm going to share with you. It's the practice of crossing a threshold that can end. Become that daily ritual of intention and so just something that we don't even notice we walk through a doorway into a room Do what we need to do and just move about not even being aware or intentional Now imagine pausing in that doorway whether it's at home or at work or in a sacred space and intentionally asking yourself questions or Setting an intention. What if you asked yourself the questions? What do I need to leave behind? Outside of this space, what do I want to show up in this space that I'm entering and what do I want to bring with me by simply touching the doorframe as you pass through, you create that moment of mindfulness and it becomes that sacred pause in the rush of life. So it becomes a time of reset, resetting your thoughts and emotions and energy and allowing you the intention to show up in that space in the way that you really want to. To respond to whatever is on the other side of that door instead of react to it. To bring the energy, to bring the things that you want to. So maybe you're entering into a meeting and you want to bring a good energy. You want to bring a curiosity. You want to bring calm and, and you want to be a good listener. Whatever it is that you want to experience and the outcome that you want when you move into that space, that's where you ask yourself the questions, give it some thought and just ask It's a good reminder. Life can be heavy enough without carrying unnecessary burdens into every space we enter as well. We know from science that our energy is sensed by others. We know that anxiety is contagious. We know all of the things of stress. Those stressors are contagious. People can smell it, whether they perceive it or not. Changes. The atmosphere in a group of people. So what if each doorway served as a reminder to leave behind what doesn't serve us? None of us want to come into a room and make everybody nervous or make everybody anxious or bring the energy down. We none of us want to be those downers in a meeting, or we don't want to see eye rolls and all of that. So I'm not talking about. for just always bringing the peace and never advocating, never bringing the truth in or never having difficult conversations. But what if again, each doorway served as a reminder to leave behind what doesn't serve. So leaving outside your doubts and insecurities, dropping anger and frustration or fear that you don't want to bring into your relationships or into your workspace? What if you release the need for perfection or control? This is a simple practice of just mentally and spiritually leaving it outside. It's a declaration of freedom, kind of a mini Jubilee moment every time you step through a door. It's powerful, and I encourage you to try it. So another aspect of this is bringing in what matters most. What if every time as you cross the threshold, you chose what to bring in with you into that new space? You could step in with courage and hope, carry kindness and gratitude, curiosity, listening. Silence. Entering in with the intention to connect and to serve and to create. This is an act of, again, mindful entry that allows you to show up as your best self, to summon the best of who you are and bring it into the spaces that you enter into. The self that reflects That your extraordinary potential. so I'm proposing and I'm encouraging you to have that daily reset for your extraordinary life. Life is made up of moments and moments are shaped by our choices. by trying out this doorway practice, you might create that opportunity for yourself. for that daily reset, reminding yourself that it's never too late to live with intention and with faith and with purpose. And it doesn't have to be real hard either. You can do this with ease. Just as the holy doors symbolize that fresh start and Jubilee year, each doorway of your, in your life can symbolize a new beginning. So I hope you will try this and let this practice remind you that your dreams are not too silly that were too big or too impossible, even in the, monotony. And even with. When you are, uh, things aren't meeting your expectations, when all of those things are coming at you, and you're really just learning to navigate through all of that, whether your aspiration is to deepen your relationships or pursue a passion project or embrace a healthier lifestyle, it's never too late to show up for your extraordinary self. So, as we embrace that, This year of Jubilee together, which, by the way, 2025 is also a perfect square, and it's the only time that you will experience a perfect square in your life, unless you're planning on living until 2116. the year of Jubilee, in the Catholic church is started on 12 24 24. And it runs until 1 6 26. So we have this whole year to really incorporate some of these practices, to get some of our goals and to make some things happen for our extraordinary selves. To say yes. To you. so a lot for this reason, I also wanted to invite you to take that next step. Share this episode with someone who needs a fresh start and join my mailing list. Today, because when you do, I'll also send you a free copy of the no regrets workbook. This is a guide that's designed to help you leave behind what holds you back, align your dreams and step confidently into your extraordinary life. Now, remember, dreams again are never too silly, never too big and never too impossible. It may seem like it, but as we align our dreams with who we are and who we want to be. It's never too late to default to yes, and to show up as the person that you were created to be. No matter what your circumstances, you can, embrace these principles and walk through every door leave behind the things that don't serve you, and bring in what you really want to bring in. Let's embrace this year of Jubilee with no regrets. Touch the doorframe, take the step and live each day with intention, courage, and faith as you go out every day and default to yes, your extraordinary self.