Default to Yes! Success Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth

How to Generate Energy and Increase Focus

Juli Reynolds Episode 98

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Self-care fuels energy, productivity, and flow.  Using the science behind self-care, Juli emphasizes its importance beyond simple relaxation and spa days. Drawing insights from Adam Grant's book, 'Hidden Potential,' and her own coaching experiences, she presents the 'RESET' framework to guide listeners in creating sustainable self-care routines. The framework highlights Rest, Energy, Soothe, Explore, and Track as the core elements to maintain optimal mental, emotional, and physical health.

Get the '10-Minute Self-Care Plan' for actionable steps towards better well-being, and join the Reimagine Wellness Community. 

Self-care is an investment in well-being and a critical step towards achieving personal mastery and joy.

00:00 Introduction to Extraordinary Week

00:22 The Science of Self Care

01:12 Insights from Adam Grant's Hidden Potential

03:51 The Importance of Play

05:12 Designing Your Self Care Routine

12:27 The RESET Framework

21:34 Conclusion and Community Invitation

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Welcome to another Extraordinary Week. I am Julie Reynolds, and I'm your host on this journey in learning really what it takes to default to extraordinary and default to your extraordinary self and this it's No, sometimes it's not an easy journey and we have to do some of the work and some of the work is fun. Some it's not. I'm going to talk about how we can make it fun because I think that that's essential in our, in the sustainability of any strategy is that we actually get some joy out of it as well. we're going to talk about the science of self care and generating energy and flow through intentional practices. Now, first of all, self care is more than bubble baths and spa days. It's really a scientifically supported practice that we're going to talk about. Recharges energy and enhances productivity, fosters that flow, this is that optimal state of engagement, where you perform at your peak. When you intentionally care for your mental and emotional and physical needs, you unlock reservoirs of vitality and creativity that can help you really tackle life with clarity and purpose. Now I'm reading a book by Adam Grant called Hidden Potential. It's all about the science of being more. And I am really enjoying it because he, says a lot of things that align with how I've been coaching and, and what I've come to understand as we navigate and as I create my own strategies, but putting some science and some evidence and some credibility to it gives me the confidence to move forward with some of my strategies. And I love that he has a whole section that's really talking about mastery and how. When we pursue things with passion and when we align them with passion and when we make a game out of it and we bring some fun into some of the monotony, it just brings that energy and allows us to move through those times and do the things that we don't really like to do, but we know that we have to do in order to achieve mastery or get to the place we want to. Now, there are a lot of workplace implications for this. And He talks at one point about burnout and he talks about bore out. And I wonder sometimes if in the workplace that we're not just bored and that we need to infuse some life into our workplace and into the way we navigate through that and how we infuse some passion in there. And but that isn't really what I wanted to talk about today. So maybe that's another topic for the day. Bring an expert on, I don't know. So. But I wanted to go back to this, to the book and some of the ideas that were generated this week for me as I read that book. And as I were starting a new coaching season for the yes community and re imagine wellness. And with that comes, I start to introduce a cycle of information that cycle of personal growth and improvement. And we move through the habits. formation and just the concepts that are required that we need to pay attention to if we really want to show up as our best selves and default to extraordinary, get our goals and make this year a little different. And so as we go through that, we've been focusing a lot this week on energy generation and what that means. Now, psychologist and organizational expert, Adam Grant. Again, the author of this book said this, that it really just popped off the page to me. Relaxing is not a waste of time. It's an investment in well being. Breaks are not just distraction. They are a chance to reset attention and incubate ideas. Play is not a frivolous activity. It's a source of joy and a path to mastery. I love that. And years ago I got a chance to interview Jaco Hammond, who wrote the book Playful. That in, it was just all about being playful and just as a way to move about life in a way that incorporates play on for mind, body, spirit, health. And I actually opened that back up this morning. I found it. It's in my Kindle. I thought it was on my bookshelf and I couldn't find the book and I finally found it. And so I'm rereading that book as well. And probably don't reach out to him because he's just. It's just brilliant and was a good conversation, but regardless this was a way we were talking about introducing play as a, as for burnout. And it was very significant. So I kind of started on that. Like, how do I become more playful? And some of that is in the way I choose books and enter into conversations. But this is something that I actually have to work at being a little more playful. There are some people in my life that are just. Really the hilarious people, they're fun and they, they're funny. And that comes really easy and naturally. And to me, it really doesn't, I tend to show up on the more serious thinking side and contemplative side of things. And so that is something, a discipline that I've been introducing into my life or trying to anyway. So what does that practice look like and how does self care generate energy and flow? And we're going to explore some of the science and a framework that you can use to design your own self care routine. And self care has really a measurable effect on the body and brain research shows that engaging in activities that replenish your mental and physical reserves improves that emotional regulation and cognitive performance and even immune function and benefits and is strengthened by good self care. So. Here's how self care generates energy. First of all, the physical rejuvenation, we activities like movements and hydration and nutrition and sleep, those have direct impact on our body's energy systems, exercise, increases blood flow and oxygenation, which is Then enhances that cellular energy production, which is why I always say cell care is self care, self care is cell care, and they go together. That mind, body, spirit is all connected. Quality sleep. That helps us clear those toxins out of the brain and resets our nervous system so that we enter into a new day refreshed and with that capacity to make the amount of decisions that we make, we really need that. another reason why self care is so important for generating energy is that mental reset. So taking breaks and engaging in those restorative activities really allows the brain's default mode network, the DMN, to activate. And this network is responsible for processing memories and solving problems and sparking creativity. So without that adequate downtime, our cognitive resources get depleted and they, it leads to the fatigue and mental fog, which is why it's a really bad idea for nurses and well, anyone. To work for 12 hours straight without a break sometimes even longer, especially I know in really high demand areas, this, it's a lot of decisions and a lot of, it's no wonder why there's burnout and fatigue, compassion, fatigue, all the things that we know are really well studied in the workplace, but that's not unique to healthcare. So. We know this, the research is strong enough that we have this mandated for drivers, for truck drivers and for pilots, for air crews. This is just, we know that without adequate downtime, cognitive resources are depleted and We get fatigued and we get that mental fog and we're not able to really, we don't, our response times are less and this is when mistakes happen. And so it was important enough to implement for over the road drivers. So I think that gives, that's enough reason for us to all pay attention to that. And even if you're doing projects at home or if you're, and if you're navigating relationships, parents, this is. key. This is what keeps us from making those mistakes in our parenting and having to go back and apologize for an outburst. Or it allows us to be able to think creatively, when we are trying to redirect maybe a small child or, you know even just our own navigate our own emotions. So that mental reset is essential. and I don't want you to miss that. this is speaking to the brain's default mode network. And this is our reactions. Versus responses and then emotional recovery. So self care, like practices like journaling and mindfulness or spending time with nature, lower cortisol levels. And that, that stress hormone that can drain energy when it's elevated for too long, we have to have some stress and those cortisol levels are there to, to help, you know, help us move into action when it's necessary. But again, when those are that, when that's our default condition, when that's our chronic condition, that's when we get into trouble. So when you prioritize emotional wellbeing, you create that space for joy and resilience and connection. And all of that is going to fuel your motivation and focus. The other thing that I want to talk about and how self care is a big part of one of the benefits of self care would be flow facilitation. Self care can help you enter that state of flow by reducing mental clutter and creating those ideal conditions for that deep work. So activities like meditation and intentional breathing will help us to focus and sustain attention so we can have, we can sit for a while with a project or we can read a book and actually retain that information. Maybe we're studying something or maybe we just want to enjoy a good book and really take in the meaning of it. poetry, all of those things require focus and sustained attention. And so for flow states, that's critical. All of that's great. And you probably already know that. Self care is important. And I think a lot of people, I think we all know that self care is important. We all know the things to do. But then we talk ourselves into that. We don't have time to do it or there for a long time. I think this is changing in our culture. That self care was really selfish and that's centering time just for me when maybe somebody else needs something is not a good allocation of our resources. And so I don't think that's true. And I think that the people that around you and the people that you serve, I think that your self care matters as much to them because you can't show up. And what is it they say? You can't pour from an empty cup. That's so true. So let's design ourselves a self care ritual, and I'm going to give you a little framework in which to think about it because self care is not a one size fits all. I can give you some tips and we can make lists of things that you can do, but ultimately you have to create your own sustainable self care routine or ritual. I like rituals because to me, those things are, they're changing. They are meaningful. I assigned meaning to them that man matters what time I do it. Routines are good too, because they're sustainable. So whatever you call it, I don't know that it really matters, but it mostly just matters that you do it and on a regular basis. So this isn't something where you. Wait for until you're so exhausted that you take a weekend of self care, or I would say that it doesn't, it's not even just something that's allocated only to the weekends. So you don't work your tail off all week for a couple hours on Saturday, where you're going to take care of yourself by sitting and reading a book or whatever you're going to do. And again, this is not bubble baths and spa days. This is something that we do on the regular to. Reset ourselves and do all of these things that keep us in that flow state and keep us in the, with the capacity to default to our extraordinary selves. So this framework, we're going to call it the reset framework. frameworks are great for making some, any habit or any practice sustainable because it's memorable, right? And you can, you can check yourself on it in a way that reduces that decision that you're making to do self care. So you're going to have this framework and maybe you just remember the words and what they mean to you. And create your strategy that is good for you. That's fun and enjoyable and it does all of the things it needs to do. So reset framework rest is the first one And this means that we're going to build in moments of rest to recharge our physical and mental reserves. Now this could mean scheduling seven to eight hours of sleep. You might just focus on the one thing and that might mean developing a bedtime ritual and that's your time of self care that leads into good quality sleep. This could be incorporating five minute pauses between work tasks. This could be, you might want to visit the Pomodoro Technique. There are, there are lots of resources there for it. Think in my time management guide there's a whole list of different techniques you could use to build in these these breaks. incorporating even five minutes between work tasks can make a big difference. It might be practicing a simple relaxation technique like deep breathing. So whatever it is, rest. So you're going to build in moments to rest and recharge your physical and mental reserves. Now E is for energy. So this is fueling the body and mind with energy boosting activities. So this might mean moving your body with a daily walk, yoga, a quick dance break drinking water consistently is another way to do this throughout the day and eat nutrient dense meals that, and get the protein that you need to stabilize your energy levels. So energize, Means fuel your body and mind with energy boosting activities. S is for soothe. That means that we're going to work in activities that calm the nervous system and reduce stress. So journaling, listening to music, spending 10 minutes with an essential oil like lavender or bergamot. those oils have a chemistry profile that are very relaxing and foster that, that calm. again, soothe. So whatever you need to do to calm your nervous system. I also like deep breathing for this. There's a lot of breathing techniques that help you to reset the nervous system engage that vagal nerve and really just, you Give yourself that reset and it doesn't take very long so you could choose something that you could I like to have a longer ritual and a shorter ritual. So something that I can almost take on the go and then something that I can do when I have the time and I set that time aside for myself. So on my days off or on a day that I am work. Don't have any projects on my calendars or meetings. I might take a little longer in the morning to do some longer breath work practices, some longer mindfulness and meditation maybe read a little bit longer than I usually do. But so I like to have both going on. All right. E is for explore. This is a big one and this is where we get to play. So it's really just giving yourself permission to play and to dream and to learn. It might be trying a new hobby. I love puzzles. Solving puzzles are great. There's actually a good puzzle game that I've been meaning to try. I got one for Christmas and it's a murder mystery puzzle and I need to break that out. So solving puzzles or reflecting on your aspirations just Exploring. Maybe go for a walk in your neighborhood and notice the gardens and the plants that surround you. That exploration just keeps your mind curious and engaged. So remember that play is not frivolous. It's a source of joy and mastery. And so If you're somebody who is really task oriented and you have a big project, don't cut the play out of your routine because it's going to help you actually do much more than you thought possible. Just by taking that time. All right. The T in our reset framework is track. So self care is really the most effective when it's intentional. Like I said, it's more than spa days and bubble baths. So that it's not the occasional when we get so tired, we finally take care of ourselves. This is tracking your progress, writing down what you do, how it makes you feel, and then making those adjustments as you need it. And that also helps us stay accountable. Maybe it's just keeping our word to ourselves. Maybe we share it with a friend so that our there's a friend or somebody that knows what you're doing to take care of yourself and can ask you about it and you can share it with them. And that also helps you see the impact of self care efforts over time. I remember when I started a mindfulness practice, I used an app. He used the Headspace app because I liked his accent and I liked the science that he put behind it. And it was very practical and not so woo woo or, you know, I don't know, wasn't super spiritual necessarily. It was just a mind body practice. And anyway, I used that app and I set it for three minutes for a while and I did this and I wondered along the way, does this really matter? I remember several weeks into it because I was doing a tracker and I was using that app to track my progress and I was up to consistently five minutes, and then consistently ten minutes. But that time, A couple weeks later, I started noticing things through the day I just found myself being more present. and in journaling I started noticing the things But it wasn't something that just happened because I started practicing mindfulness. It was weeks later that I started to notice those subtle shifts. And that was pretty powerful and it made me want to do more of it because I started to notice the benefits. So why this matters, I would say now, maybe more than any other time in my life, maybe since the beginning of the pandemic, there's a lot to navigate and there's a lot of things that I don't know and things that I don't know that I don't know. And. That causes me some anxiety and I've had to really manage how I approach conversations with people in the workplace. I've had to really manage how I spend my time as far as on social media and interacting with media and news sources. Because I'm finding it very hard to know what's going on and there's a lot of unsettling things going on for me and not really knowing, I haven't established that safe community in which to speak about these things and learn about these things and it's coming, I feel like it's coming so fast that I haven't been able to really grasp all of what might the long term implications be and then to know the response for me is that it's right, So all of that to say that it's gotten really complicated and I've had to get really serious about my own self care. So that when I do arrive at maybe a response that is I am compelled towards that I'm ready. It's easy to view self care as indulgent or optional. but it's really a necessity for longterm wellbeing. So. I've got the reset framework down here in my journal so that I can be evaluating myself on that. My routine. Am I covering all of the things? do I have a good, sustainable strategy And that means that I have to enjoy it enough to keep doing it. That it doesn't get hard I, that I can consistently grow and explore and. Just play with it. I encourage you to use this reset framework and design that routine that works for you and for your unique needs and creates the conditions for energy and flow and focus, And then remember that when you relax, you're not just taking a break, you're investing in your ability to thrive. So see that as part of thriving and striving. If that's where you are, if you're more active and it's hard for you to take a break, see that relaxation as Charging up your phone or plugging in your battery so that you can go full tilt and have a reserve of power Because as you embrace the power of self care, you'll find yourself better equipped to pursue your goals and to handle challenges and to experience the joy that comes with fully living. Thank you for spending time with me today. I am honored to be part of your airtime here. You're probably on your way somewhere and weren't able to take notes, but the reset framework is in the notes below. So come back to that. And I've also created a guide. It's called the 10 minute self care plan. And I'd love to send that to you. With that, you get access to the Reimagined Wellness community. And if you're already in that community, then you can just go download that guide. As part of that community, you of course gain access to the resources and inspiration, but more than anything, I want to create a big community of like minded individuals who are on the journey of wellness and well being and longevity and health span, going after all the things, going after our goals and just showing up every day to default to yes. So if you aren't part of that journey, get the 10 minute self care plan and I'll add you there it's packed full of just simple, actionable steps that help you prioritize yourself on the busiest days. So if that's something that you need. I've got your back. use the link in the show notes and join the community and download your free guide. Let's reimagine what's possible for your health and your mindset and your life. Until next time, take care of yourself. You're worth it. relaxing is not a waste of time, it is investment in well being. Breaks are not a distraction, they're a chance to reset attention and incubate ideas. And play is not a frivolous activity, it's a source of joy and a path to mastery. As you go out every day and default to yes, your extraordinary self.